My wisdom tooth surgery experience

Hi everyone, it’s me again.

If any of you are wondering why I posted no review last Thursday, it’s because I went to get ALL FOUR of my wisdom teeth taken out that day.  Many years ago my wisdom teeth had been diagnosed by dentists as having cavities in them. Leading up to the surgery, my parents told me what would happen before and after the surgery.

My parents scheduled an appointment in late July, and when the day finally came (August 30, 2018), I was of course very nervous. However, when they put me to sleep. I didn’t feel anything and next thing I knew, I was sitting in a dental chair. I was surprised that the surgery went well and that they didn’t have to cut into my jaw or anything like that.

Of course, after the surgery ended, I hate to bite on a gauze pad for the first  day, go on a soft food diet for a week, rinse my mouth with saltwater after every meal, etc.

I may feel fully recovered by Friday of this week (September 7, 2018). Normally scheduled reviews will continue next week.

See ya’ll later.